Your financial support will help advance science-based truth-seeking, rational thinking, and wise decision-making, including the Pro-Truth Pledge project, which fights misinformation and incivility in public discourse. Intentional Insights is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan educational nonprofit organization.
How You Can Help
Donate by Mail
Please make your check payable to Intentional Insights Fund and mail it to:
Intentional Insights Fund
c/o Steven Moore
Columbus Foundation
1234 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43205
Donate Online
You can make a monthly or one-time gift.
Planned Giving
If you would like to include Intentional Insights in your estate plans, or if you would like to make a gift of stock, life insurance, or closely held stock, please contact Vice President Agnes Vishnevkin via email or call her at 614-383-8343.
Our Financial Future
The single biggest challenge facing Intentional Insights is financial sustainability. While many of our supporters make generous donations, we often struggle to cover the costs of the organization’s daily operations.
Operating Costs
Annual operating costs: $45,250
$11,200 Content development
$8,700 Social media management
$7,500 Website management
$5,500 Marketing
$4,000 Administrative and legal costs
$3,500 Research
$2,750 Fundraising
$2,200 Travel
Financial Priorities
New donor database and financial software: $16,000
A donor database and financial software will allow us to streamline daily operations and channel maximum resources toward developing content and engaging with our audience.
Full-time Staff Positions
Staff salary and benefit: $81,000
At this time the work of Intentional Insights is carried out by a team of volunteers and paid contractors. Having a full-time staff person will ensure that Intentional Insights will not only survive, but thrive, and make a lasting positive impact on the world.