Frustrated by misinformation and incivility in public discourse? Take the Pro-Truth Pledge to encourage politicians – and everyone else – to commit to truth-oriented behaviors.
How to Prevent Failure in Working From Home to Address the...
To prevent disasters in transitioning to working from home, imagine that your transition completely failed. Then, brainstorm all plausible reasons for failure, and generate solutions to these potential problems. Do the same to maximize success.
How Global Elites Can Address Misinformation
Instead, the key difference is the astronomically quick growth of social media as the source from which people get their news, and the prevalence of misinformation on social media, since tech companies aren’t doing much to filter out fake news.
Guide For Talking To Irrational People: Whispering To The Elephant
Many struggle in dealing with people who have become attached to political viewpoints that are irrational — based on poor logic or on “alternative...
A Modern Approach to the Remote Revolution
The Modern Firm went fully remote 15 years ago, proving that location-independent work can be successful with the right tools and processes.
3 Steps to an Intentional Life
Source: KyuOh/iStock
Are you getting all you want? Are you achieving all of your goals and succeeding in...
Preserving Our Democracy on Valentine’s Day
On this upcoming Valentine’s Day, my wife and I decided to avoid traditional gifts such as fancy candy for her or a bottle of...
Video: Journal Your Way To Meaning and Purpose
Scientific evidence revealed that such self-reflection contributes greatly to develop that personal sense of meaning and purpose. For instance, one study used functional magnetic...
This Valentine’s Day, Men and Women Should Make Different Buying Decisions
When it comes to shopping, men tend to take more risks, while women prefer to take their time to get the best possible deal. Both genders are prone to mistakes. However, you can train your mind to make the wisest shopping decisions this Valentine’s Day.
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