Intentional, Author at Intentional Insights



How to Avoid Business Disasters with Behavioral Science

  Caption: Sad business woman (pxhere)   Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica data breach scandal led to a massive fall in the Facebook’s stock price, governments around the world...

How To Win Arguments Through Collaborative Truth-Seeking

  Caption: Couples in argument Pointing fingers at each other (Kick Ads/Used with Permission)   We frequently use debates to resolve different opinions about the truth. However,...
Goal Achievement

Winning At Life…By Not Losing

Caption: photo of woman playing tennis (Skeeze/Pixabay)   by Peter Livingstone   After hearing several references to a 1973 book called Extraordinary Tennis for the Ordinary Player by...

Which Politicians Should We Trust in the November 7 Election: The Pro-Truth Pledge

Caption: Image of US flag with “Vote” written on it (ZIPNON/Pixabay)   In these dark days of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” it’s hard to trust...
Transgender committee

Trump’s Transgender Gaslighting

  President Donald Trump signed a directive on Friday August 25 following up on his earlier tweets that he “will not accept or allow transgender...

The One Thing Trump Got Right On Charlottesville

    Both Democratic and Republican leaders roundly denounced President Donald Trump’s statement putting “blame on both sides” about the violence at the “Unite the Right”...
Cartoon Of ostrich sticking head in the sand

Political Pre-Commitment Without Evidence: How Worldview Undermines Reason

By Joel Lehman _____________________ “And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually.” -Jimi Hendrix Can you recall a romantic relationship gone wrong, and notice in...
Young Child Driving A Toy

Are Friends the Enemies of Wise Choices?

  The Hidden Factors Influencing Our Most Important Decisions   By Charles Cassidy MPhys, Director of Evidence-based Wisdom   I recently decided to buy a petrol-guzzling car. But was...
intentional insights

A Behavioral Science Solution to Lies in Politics

Deception proved a very successful strategy for political causes and individual candidates in the UK and US elections in 2016, leading Oxford Dictionary to...