Leadership & Organizational Development Blog Archives - Intentional Insights

Leadership Development

Stakeholder Engagement

8 Powerful Questions You Need to Ask Before Stakeholder Engagement

Asking the 8 Powerful Questions during a pre-engagement stakeholder assessment will lead to better engagement and stronger relationships with your stakeholders.
Pandemic Preparation

The One Huge Mistake Everybody Makes in COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Preparation

Official guidelines for COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic preparation assume a wildly optimistic scenario due to dangerous judgment errors known as cognitive biases. You need to instead prepare for a realistic pessimistic scenario.
hire women

Why You Should Hire Women Over Men, According to Science

If you care about your bottom line, hire women over men. Due to gender discrimination, women had to work harder to get the same career position as men, and you will on average get a better worker if you hire a woman.
strategic planning

10 Steps for Strategic Planning to Defend Your Future

Effective strategic planning involves: 1) Identifying potential threats and opportunities; 2) Planning how to deal with them; 3) Reserving sufficient resources to address threats and opportunities; 4) Making your plans resilient and flexible.
decision maker

Wise Decision Maker Movement Manifesto

The choice that feels most comfortable to your gut is often the worst decision for your bottom line. To be a truly wise decision maker, you have to adopt counterintuitive, uncomfortable, but highly profitable techniques to avoid business disasters by making the best decisions.

How to Deal With Colleagues in Denial

To get colleagues in denial to believe the truth, use EGRIP: 1) discover their emotions; 2) then their goals; 3) build up rapport; 4) provide info to change their mind; 5) offer positive reinforcement for them updating their beliefs.
wise decision maker

Wise Decision Maker Movement Manifesto (Videocast and Podcast of the “Wise Decision Maker Show”)

The choice that feels most comfortable to your gut is often the worst decision for your bottom line. To be a truly wise decision maker, you have to adopt counterintuitive, uncomfortable, but highly profitable techniques to avoid business disasters by making the best decisions. That's the key take-away message of this episode of the Wise Decision Maker Show, which describes the Wise Decision Maker Movement Manifesto.
knowledge management

The Psychology of Knowledge Management: Uniting the Majority Through Communities of Practice

Knowledge Management (KM) is the art and science of leveraging individual and collective knowledge for the benefit of all stakeholders
making better decisions

Decision Congruence for Making Better Decisions

To make changes, the rewards must be a 2 or more or you might as well consider other potentials. On the negative side if the potential downsides are nearly a 4 or more then you may want to forget about taking such a risk.

8 Key Leadership Decision-Making Process Steps to Making the Best Decisions (Videocast and Podcast...

In order to make the best decisions, follow these decision-making process steps: 1) Identify need for decision 2) Get relevant info 3) Decide goals 4) Develop criteria 5) Generate a few viable options 6) Weigh options 7) Implement decision 8) Revise implementation and decision as needed