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Tag: effective decisions

8 Key Leadership Decision-Making Process Steps to Making the Best Decisions (Videocast and Podcast...

In order to make the best decisions, follow these decision-making process steps: 1) Identify need for decision 2) Get relevant info 3) Decide goals 4) Develop criteria 5) Generate a few viable options 6) Weigh options 7) Implement decision 8) Revise implementation and decision as needed

How Global Elites Can Address Misinformation

Instead, the key difference is the astronomically quick growth of social media as the source from which people get their news, and the prevalence of misinformation on social media, since tech companies aren’t doing much to filter out fake news.
poor decisions

Never Go With Your Gut: Video and Audio Book Trailer

Get a free book sample at DisasterAvoidanceExperts.com/NeverGut. You can also get the book on links from that same website, or at a bookstore near you. I want you to take advantage of the strategies in this book to maximize your success and leave business disasters to your competition. 

8-Step Leadership Decision-Making Process for Making the Best Decisions

8-step decision-making process: 1) Identify need for decision; 2) Get relevant info; 3) Decide goals; 4) Develop criteria; 5) Generate a few viable options; 6) Weigh options; 7) Implement decision; 8) Revise implementation and decision as needed.