Intentional Insights Archives - Intentional Insights

Tag: Intentional Insights

How I Learned to Truly Love Animals

I love animals and especially my cats, Ophelia and Siren. These feelings urged me to help out at my local cat shelter. It broke...
Give Wisely

Don’t Be Fooled On Giving Tuesday: Give Wisely!

Giving Tuesday on November 29th is the biggest day of donations in the year. Yet how do you give wisely on Giving Tuesday?   There are...

Applying The Scientific Method To Charity

  “Thank you. I never thought of applying the scientific method to charity. My giving will never be the same.”   I was delighted to hear this...
Nonprofit Sector

How The Trump Foundation Scandal Hurts The Nonprofit Sector

  A devastating piece of investigative journalism on the Trump Foundation from the Washington Post has revealed that Donald Trump used $258,000 from his foundation...
Free Money

Free Money Is No Joke: Confessions of a (Former) Skeptic of Basic Income

  Getting a tire replaced seems easy to me - I’d just go to the nearest tire place and get it fixed. Well, Jayleene was...
Effective Giving

How To Resolve Disagreements about Effective Giving: Collaborative Truth-Seeking (Part 2)

  In a previous post, I shared about the problem with debates as the sole means of resolving differences in opinions. To summarize, while useful...
Effective Giving

How To Resolve Disagreements About Effective Giving: The Problem with Debates (Part 1)

    Here’s a typical scene from the meeting of a local effective altruist group. Michael thinks donating to Against Malaria Foundation will do the most...

Saving Lives Using Reason and Compassion Through Giving Games

“If others have half the experience I had today, they will be completely changed.” That’s what a participant told me after the end of...

How to Supercharge Your Generosity

It feels great to see the hope light up in a beggar's eyes as you stop to look at them when others pass them...
Mental Health Closet

Coming Out of the Mental Health Closet

My hand jerked back, as if the computer mouse had turned into a real mouse. Would they think I am crazy? Would they whisper...