Tag: Leadership Development
Remote and Hybrid Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Video & Podcast)
In order to achieve the promise of remote and hybrid diversity, equity, and inclusion, leaders need to address microaggressions in communication and the lack of sponsorship for minorities through training and mentoring programs. That's the key take-away message of this episode of the Wise Decision Maker Show, which describes how to address diversity, equity, and inclusion in hybrid and remote teams.
Why Hiring A Remote Work Consultant Is Essential For Effective Remote Work
Remote work can bring many challenges for companies, including communication issues, lack of clear guidelines, and cognitive biases. Hiring a remote work consultant can help companies navigate the complexities of remote work and ensure its success.
The Financial Advantages Of A Hybrid Work Model: A Hybrid Work Expert’s Perspective
Hybrid work models combine remote and on-site work, which allows companies to take advantage of increased productivity and reduced costs while maintaining the benefits of face-to-face interaction.
New Study Shows Managers Are Changing Their Minds About The Hybrid Work Model
Managers are recognizing the importance of the hybrid work model and organizations are becoming more open to the idea of flexible working as a long-term solution.
The Perils Of Assuming Everything Is Fine: Normalcy Bias And The Rushed Approval Of...
Despite opposition from families of crash victims, pilots' union, and a key congressman, Congress cleared the Boeing 737Max 10 jet for certification without added safety measures. The cause of the crash was a cognitive error known as normalcy bias.
Save Time And Resources While Getting A Reliable Outcome With A Hybrid Work Consultant
A hybrid work consultant can help organizations save time and resources while transitioning to and managing hybrid work models.
Recognizing and Rewarding Hybrid Work Productivity
Hybrid work environments can offer many benefits, but they also present challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining productivity.
New Study Shows SMEs Are Leading The Hybrid Work Revolution To Win The Talent...
The Vistage study shows that SMEs are increasingly turning to hybrid work as a way to access a wider pool of talent and increase flexibility and work-life balance.
FTX Fiasco Caused by SBF’s Double-or-Nothing Philosophy
For investors, the collapse of FTX is a reminder to be wary of founders like SBF with an excessive risk appetite. For entrepreneurs, it is a lesson to implement oversight and risk management plans to avoid the fate of SBF and FTX.
Remote and Hybrid Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
To achieve the promise of remote and hybrid diversity, equity, and inclusion, leaders need to address microaggressions in communication and the lack of sponsorship for minorities through training and mentoring programs