Intentional Insights create research-based blog to the help of People
Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Video: The Truth About My Mental Illness

Author’s photo depicting a state of anxiety   In this video, I describe how I used Intentional Insights-informed strategies, namely orienting toward what world I want...
Healthy reletionship

12 Tips For Happy, Long-Lasting Relationships

My wife and I when we met in 1998 in Miami, FL, and a similar more recent photo Have you ever made silly mistakes that...
Emotional & Mental Well-Being

How Effective Giving Defends Us From Another Wounded Warrior

Anger and dismay greeted the March 10 announcement that the Wounded Warrior Project, a nonprofit that helps wounded veterans, fired its top staff. So...
intentional insights

How I Escaped The Darkness of Mental Illness

  Hot tears were streaming down my face. My chest heaved up and down with heavy sobs. I couldn’t stop them, no matter what I...
intentional insights

The Most Romantic Valentine’s Day Gift

Last year, my wife gave me the most romantic Valentine's Day gift ever.   We had previously been very traditional with our Valentine's Day gifts, such...

Is Spirituality Irrational?

  Spirituality and rationality seem completely opposed. But are they really?   To get at this question, let's start with a little thought experiment. Consider the following...
Dr. Hal Arkes

Video: 4 Strategies to Protect Yourself From Thinking Errors

Dr. Hal Arkes     Our minds are wired to make irrational decisions and commit a wide variety of thinking errors, called cognitive biases by scholars. Yet...
rational thinking

Religious and Rational?

“Wisdom shouts in the street; in the public square she raises her voice.”   Proverbs 1:20 Common English Bible   The Biblical book of Proverbs is full of...
intentional insights

How To Avoid Giving Regret

I want to share my story to help you avoid the kind of regret I experienced as a deep churning in my stomach when...
effective giving

How To Advance Rational Thinking In Your Community

Why don’t they teach this in high school?!? Or even college, for that matter. That’s the reaction that my wife and I had after...