Intentional Insights create research-based blog to the help of People
Emotional & Mental Well-Being

7 Surprising Science-Based Hacks To Build Your Willpower

Tempted by that second doughnut? Struggling to resist checking your phone? Shopping impulsively on Amazon? Slacking off by reading BuzzFeed instead of doing work?...
Emotional & Mental Well-Being

“Be A Superdonor!”: Promoting Effective Altruism by Appealing to the Heart

Effective Altruism does a terrific job of appealing to the head. There is no finer example than GiveWell’s meticulously researched and carefully detailed reports...
Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Want To Avoid Missing Deadlines? Take the Outside View!

When’s the last time you missed a deadline? Would you be surprised if you missed one in the next month or two? How bad...
effective giving

Is Kevin McCarthy the Smartest Man in Washington?

Can you imagine pulling out of the most prestigious promotion opportunity of your career, to be at the very top of your organization, to...
Emotional & Mental Well-Being

The Easiest Trick to Breaking Out of Wrong Ideas

Right now you have something within your reach with an almost magical ability to break out of wrong ideas. You can use it to...

Video: 3 Steps to Living Intentionally

  How do you lead the kind of life that gets you what you want? All it takes is 3 steps, as the video describes:   1....
Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Are We Wired for Trump?

Donald Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee. At least, so it appears from all the media attention paid to his candidacy. A recent...

Meaning and Purpose: Quantified and Customized!

Oh, Jackie certainly sought to gain a sense of meaning and purpose, many times. Her family, friends, and church members kept trying to convince...
Emotional & Mental Well-Being

You Can Predict the Future!

Your friend says to you: "I bet you $100 that in 2016 a Democrat will be elected as president of the USA."   Would you take...

Video: Journaling Your Way to Life Purpose and Meaning

Yearning to find your life purpose and have a meaningful life? Journaling is an excellent science-based strategy to do so. Journaling is part of a...