Intentional Insights create research-based blog to the help of People
rational thinking

Trump and Clinton Debate Strategies That Can Make Anyone a Better Public Speaker

    Public speaking is an anxiety-inducing task for most us, yet it’s also a necessary one, whether you’re a corporate CEO, a high school teacher...
intentional insights

This Weird Trick Set Me Free, Could It Work For You?

    I’m very proud to be a citizen of the United States. It’s one of the greatest countries in the world. America is a beacon...
intentional insights

Conquer Fear of Public Speaking Through Emotional Intelligence

    What do you feel when you imagine standing up in front of an audience? Visualize the bright lights in your face, see all those...
intentional insights

How To Be Perfect!

    Once, alchemists sought the secret formula for turning lead into gold. Nowadays, we seek things that are rather more unattainable. The perfect job. The...
intentional insights

9 Strategien für effektive Spender

    Du bist großzügig und freundlich. Andere Menschen liegen dir am Herzen und du möchtest ihnen helfen, ein gutes Leben zu führen. Du willst die...
effective giving

On Being a Weird American on 9/11

    On this anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks, I want to share why I think of myself as a weird American.     I’m very proud to...
Free Money

Free Money Is No Joke: Confessions of a (Former) Skeptic of Basic Income

  Getting a tire replaced seems easy to me - I’d just go to the nearest tire place and get it fixed. Well, Jayleene was...

Video: Journal Your Way To Meaning and Purpose

Scientific evidence revealed that such self-reflection contributes greatly to develop that personal sense of meaning and purpose. For instance, one study used functional magnetic...

Video: Science and Religion on Meaning and Purpose

_______________ This videotaped discussion between a United Methodist Minister, Caleb Pitkin, and a professor and scholar of meaning and purpose, Gleb Tsipursky, uncovers both differences...
Woman taking apple of youth

Video: Want To Be Young and Healthy Forever? Here’s The Science That Will Help

    Can you imagine what it would be like to be young and healthy forever. It’s hard to do that, right? We all know that...