Your Vote May Be Worth Millions!
Is it worth your time to vote? You might be surprised to learn that your vote may be worth millions of dollars!
This goes against...
How Our Thinking Errors Cause Us To Misinterpret Politics
Debate checkers usually focus on evaluating the facts of what each candidate said. While it is important to get the facts straight, focusing on...
How The Trump Foundation Scandal Hurts The Nonprofit Sector
A devastating piece of investigative journalism on the Trump Foundation from the Washington Post has revealed that Donald Trump used $258,000 from his foundation...
How To Be A Truly Good Person
What does it take to be a truly good person? An easy and simple answer is not hurting other people and doing good deeds...
Life’s Most Incredible Events Explained (Just a Coincidence?)
Roy Cleveland Sullivan was struck by lightning seven times. Eight, actually (if you believe him)—seven are documented.
Later in life, people began to shun him...
Which Candidate Will Make America Safer?
Co-written by Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, Intentional Insights Co-Founder and President, and Blake Page, Ohio Field Director for VoteVets
The second presidential debate featured both Hillary...
3 Decision-Making Principles I Taught My Son
By Diogo Goncalves
Dear Son, today I want to talk to you about how people make decisions.
Many choices in our lives have uncertain outcomes. Choosing...
The Gender Gap in the Presidential Debate
The vast majority of pundits described Donald Trump’s performance at the debate as very poor, including conservative ones. For instance, Douglas Schoen of Fox...
Jak zostać efektywnym altruistą?
Napisałem ten artykuł, aby podzielić się swoją historią i pozwolić ci uniknąć żalu, jaki czułem gdy odkryłem, że wspieranie mojej ulubionej organizacji charytatywnej przez...
Was Tyre King’s Shooting Justified?
On September 14, the 13-year-old Tyre King was shot and killed by a police officer, Bryan Mason, in Columbus. According to the police, Tyre...