Wise Decision-Making Blog Archives - Intentional Insights

Wise Decision-Making

purchasing decisions

Surprising New Survey Shows Most Customers “Trust Their Gut” When Making Purchasing Decisions

Consumers mostly make their shopping choices with their gut. As a result, they make many poor decisions. One of these decisions is to rely increasingly on online user reviews compared to recommendations from friends, even though user reviews are often misleading.

8-Step Leadership Decision-Making Process for Making the Best Decisions

8-step decision-making process: 1) Identify need for decision; 2) Get relevant info; 3) Decide goals; 4) Develop criteria; 5) Generate a few viable options; 6) Weigh options; 7) Implement decision; 8) Revise implementation and decision as needed.
decision making

8 Key Steps for Effective Leadership Decision Making to Avoid Decision Disasters

Effective leadership decision making on critical decisions involves: 1) Deciding the decision criteria; 2) Weighing importance of criteria; 3) Grading your options using the criteria; 4) Checking with your head and gut; 5) Sticking to your choice.
Cognitive Biases

How to Evaluate Unconscious Bias Caused by Cognitive Biases at Work

To address unconscious cognitive biases in your workplace, you need to evaluate thoroughly their impact on your own professional activities, as well as more broadly in your team and organization, and make and implement a plan to address the problem.
Man yelling at another man for failure in implementing decisions

8 Key Steps to Prevent Failure in Implementing Decisions or in Managing Projects and...

To prevent a project or process disaster, imagine that it completely failed. Then, brainstorm all plausible reasons for failure, and generate solutions to these potential problems. Integrate these solutions into your project or process. To maximize project or process success, envision that it succeeded spectacularly. Brainstorm likely reasons for such success, and generate strategies that would lead to such success. Integrate these strategies into your project or process.

The Pro-Truth Pledge prompts truthful behavior, according to psychology studies

  Traditionally,  identifying truth in politics comes from mainstream media and its fact checking. A recent Gallup poll, however, showed that only 29 percent of...

When Should You Go With Your Gut in Business Relationships?

Caption: Business professional holding stomach (HansMartinPaul/Pixabay) Let’s say you’re interviewing a new applicant for a job and you feel something is off. She says all...

(Dis)Trust in Science: What Can We Do About the Scourge of Misinformation?

Caption: Woman looking at homeopathic medicine (Wikimedia Commons) At least 10 US children died and over 400 were sickened after taking homeopathic teething medicine laced...
Caption: Photo of Starbucks coffee store sign

Does the Starbucks Anti-Bias Training Go Against Human Nature?

                  Caption: Photo of Starbucks coffee store sign (Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)   On May 29, over 8,000 Starbucks stores across the US closed their doors for...

How to Avoid Business Disasters with Behavioral Science

  Caption: Sad business woman (pxhere)   Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica data breach scandal led to a massive fall in the Facebook’s stock price, governments around the world...