Tag: Science
(Dis)Trust in Science: What Can We Do About the Scourge of Misinformation?
Caption: Woman looking at homeopathic medicine (Wikimedia Commons)
At least 10 US children died and over 400 were sickened after taking homeopathic teething medicine laced...
How to Talk to a Science Denier without Arguing
Caption: man and woman in a conflict (Gratisography/Pexels)
It’s the holiday season, which means plenty of opportunities for uncomfortable interactions with friends and family who...
Political Pre-Commitment Without Evidence: How Worldview Undermines Reason
By Joel Lehman
“And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually.”
-Jimi Hendrix
Can you recall a romantic relationship gone wrong, and notice in...
Are Friends the Enemies of Wise Choices?
The Hidden Factors Influencing Our Most Important Decisions
By Charles Cassidy MPhys, Director of Evidence-based Wisdom
I recently decided to buy a petrol-guzzling car. But was...
Being A Weird American on Independence Day
In celebration of Independence Day, I want to share why I think of myself as a weird American.
I’m very proud to be a citizen...
A Behavioral Science Solution to Lies in Politics
Deception proved a very successful strategy for political causes and individual candidates in the UK and US elections in 2016, leading Oxford Dictionary to...
Guide For Talking To Irrational People: Whispering To The Elephant
Many struggle in dealing with people who have become attached to political viewpoints that are irrational — based on poor logic or on “alternative...
Advice That Works for Anyone
When was the last time you got bad advice from someone? How did it feel to be the target of advice that you knew...
Coming Out of the Mental Health Closet
My hand jerked back, as if the computer mouse had turned into a real mouse. Would they think I am crazy? Would they whisper...