On Being a Weird American on 9/11
On this anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks, I want to share why I think of myself as a weird American.
I’m very proud to...
Free Money Is No Joke: Confessions of a (Former) Skeptic of Basic Income
Getting a tire replaced seems easy to me - I’d just go to the nearest tire place and get it fixed. Well, Jayleene was...
Video: Journal Your Way To Meaning and Purpose
Scientific evidence revealed that such self-reflection contributes greatly to develop that personal sense of meaning and purpose. For instance, one study used functional magnetic...
Video: Science and Religion on Meaning and Purpose
This videotaped discussion between a United Methodist Minister, Caleb Pitkin, and a professor and scholar of meaning and purpose, Gleb Tsipursky, uncovers both differences...
Video: Want To Be Young and Healthy Forever? Here’s The Science That Will Help
Can you imagine what it would be like to be young and healthy forever. It’s hard to do that, right? We all know that...
How Neuroscience Can Address Police Racial Profiling
The deliberate murders of white police officers in Baton Rouge and Dallas are terrible acts of lawless revenge for earlier shootings of apparently innocent...
Your Feelings Are Not Your Fault (Mostly)
We all take responsibility for our actions; we feel guilty when we’re bad, and fulfillment when we’re good. Do you do the same for...
How To Resolve Disagreements about Effective Giving: Collaborative Truth-Seeking (Part 2)
In a previous post, I shared about the problem with debates as the sole means of resolving differences in opinions. To summarize, while useful...
How To Resolve Disagreements About Effective Giving: The Problem with Debates (Part 1)
Here’s a typical scene from the meeting of a local effective altruist group. Michael thinks donating to Against Malaria Foundation will do the most...
A Pastor Walks Into a Room Full of Atheists
How surprised would you be to learn that a United Methodist Minister was part of a group that was almost entirely made up of...