Video: 4 Strategies to Protect Yourself From Thinking Errors
Dr. Hal Arkes
Our minds are wired to make irrational decisions and commit a wide variety of thinking errors, called cognitive biases by scholars. Yet...
Religious and Rational?
“Wisdom shouts in the street; in the public square she raises her voice.”
Proverbs 1:20 Common English Bible
The Biblical book of Proverbs is full of...
How To Advance Rational Thinking In Your Community
Why don’t they teach this in high school?!? Or even college, for that matter. That’s the reaction that my wife and I had after...
How Sure Are You About Your Memories?
How good is your memory? Can you remember what you had for breakfast yesterday? Can you remember the second happiest moment in your life?...
The Easiest Trick to Breaking Out of Wrong Ideas
Right now you have something within your reach with an almost magical ability to break out of wrong ideas. You can use it to...
Autopilot vs. Intentional System: The Rider and the Elephant
Let’s start with why it matters. If we know about how our minds work, we can be intentional about influencing our own thinking and...
Autopilot vs. Intentional System: The Rider and the Elephant
If we know about how our minds work, we can be intentional about influencing our own thinking and feeling patterns. We can evaluate reality...
Living Intentionally: 3 Steps to Gaining Agency
Are you getting all you want? Are you achieving all of your goals? Are you living a fully intentional life?
If you are, I salute...