Tag: goals
When Should You Go With Your Gut in Business Relationships?
Caption: Business professional holding stomach (HansMartinPaul/Pixabay)
Let’s say you’re interviewing a new applicant for a job and you feel something is off. She says all...
How to Talk to a Science Denier without Arguing
Caption: man and woman in a conflict (Gratisography/Pexels)
It’s the holiday season, which means plenty of opportunities for uncomfortable interactions with friends and family who...
A Pastor Walks Into a Room Full of Atheists
How surprised would you be to learn that a United Methodist Minister was part of a group that was almost entirely made up of...
How To Protect Yourself From False Beliefs
Kanisha grew up in a Democratic household in Memphis, Tennessee. As far as she remembers, her family and friends always supported leftist candidates. She...
Why You Should Be Public About Your Good Deeds
When I first started donating, I did so anonymously. My default baseline is to be humble and avoid showing off. I didn’t want others...
9 Strategies for Effective Donors
You're generous and kind. You care about other people and want to help them have great lives. You want to make a positive impact...
Video: How To Reach Your Personal and Societal Goals
Author’s photo with an earring, which he got intentionally to project an image to others so as to achieve his social goals
The science of...
You Can Predict the Future!
Your friend says to you: "I bet you $100 that in 2016 a Democrat will be elected as president of the USA."
Would you take...