Tag: rationality
How to Address Irrational Family Members Effectively Over the Holidays
Caption: photo saying “trust the lies, not the ‘truth’” (Thomas Guest/Flickr)
It’s the holiday season, which means plenty of opportunities for uncomfortable interactions with friends...
Political Pre-Commitment Without Evidence: How Worldview Undermines Reason
By Joel Lehman
“And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually.”
-Jimi Hendrix
Can you recall a romantic relationship gone wrong, and notice in...
Video: Most Irrational Election EVER! – Natasha from Russia
Written by Agnes Vishnevkin, Intentional Insights Co-Founder and Vice-President
This hilarious video by Natasha from Russia shows how the 2016 presidential election was so full...
A Pastor Walks Into a Room Full of Atheists
How surprised would you be to learn that a United Methodist Minister was part of a group that was almost entirely made up of...
Video: How To Reach Your Personal and Societal Goals
Author’s photo with an earring, which he got intentionally to project an image to others so as to achieve his social goals
The science of...
Religious and Rational?
“Wisdom shouts in the street; in the public square she raises her voice.”
Proverbs 1:20 Common English Bible
The Biblical book of Proverbs is full of...
How To Advance Rational Thinking In Your Community
Why don’t they teach this in high school?!? Or even college, for that matter. That’s the reaction that my wife and I had after...