Gleb Tsipursky Archives - Intentional Insights

Tag: Gleb Tsipursky

The Pro-Truth Pledge prompts truthful behavior, according to psychology studies

  Traditionally,  identifying truth in politics comes from mainstream media and its fact checking. A recent Gallup poll, however, showed that only 29 percent of...
Present Hand Gift Keep Give Christmas Dollar

An Incredible Gift to Corporations

President Donald Trump called the recently-passed tax bill “an incredible Christmas gift” for middle-class Americans. In reality, the tax bill takes money from the...
Truth Seekers Hand Book

The Truth-Seeker’s Handbook: A Science-Based Guide

How do you know whether something is true? How do you convince others to believe the facts? Research shows that the human mind is...
Infant being held by his mother while receiving an intramuscular vaccination in his left thigh muscle

The Deadly Cost of Censoring the CDC

Caption: Photo of baby getting vaccinated (James Gathany, Judy Schmidt, USCDCP/Pixnio) Do you want your medical treatment to be based on science? The Trump administration...
people arguing

How to Talk Politics With Family Over the Holidays

Caption: People arguing (Wikmedia Commons) It’s the holiday season, which means plenty of opportunities for uncomfortable interactions with family members about politics. How can you...
I Stand with Judge Roy Moore

Roy Moore’s Systemic Danger to Our Democracy

Caption: Image of supporting sign for Roy Moore’s senate campaign (Wikimedia commons) Roy Moore's Systemic Danger to Our Democracy The front-runner candidate for Alabama Senate,...

Which Politicians Should We Trust in the November 7 Election: The Pro-Truth Pledge

Caption: Image of US flag with “Vote” written on it (ZIPNON/Pixabay)   In these dark days of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” it’s hard to trust...