Tag: Donald Trump
When Truth Isn’t Truth
Caption: Photo of Rudy Giuliani (Courtesy of Gage Skidmore)
“Truth isn’t truth” according to Rudy Giuliani, a statement he made on August 19th on NBC’s...
We Need to Address the Danger from Trump’s Fake News Awards
Donald Trump’s “Fake News Awards” for what he calls “the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media” have drawn mockery. However, behavioral science...
An Incredible Gift to Corporations
President Donald Trump called the recently-passed tax bill “an incredible Christmas gift” for middle-class Americans. In reality, the tax bill takes money from the...
Which Politicians Should We Trust in the November 7 Election: The Pro-Truth Pledge
Caption: Image of US flag with “Vote” written on it (ZIPNON/Pixabay)
In these dark days of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” it’s hard to trust...
Fighting the Normalization of Post-Truth Politics
Donald Trump’s rally speech in Phoenix on August 22 was full of falsehoods. The lack of outrage over his deceptive statements points to the...
Trump’s Transgender Gaslighting
President Donald Trump signed a directive on Friday August 25 following up on his earlier tweets that he “will not accept or allow transgender...
The Brain Science of Political Deception in the 2016 Election
Written by Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, Intentional Insights Co-Founder and President.
How did Donald Trump win, when he used so many misleading statements and outright deceptions?...
Heel-In-Chief: Donald Trump And The Psychology Of Pro Wrestling
Nothing can compare to the moment just before you burst through the curtain. The spotlight is waiting for you, your theme song is blasting...
Video: Protect Our Freedom!
Our freedom of speech is under attack by post-truth politicians! We need to protect our freedom - otherwise, America might well end up as...
How Behavioral Science Can Help Truth Triumph Over Baseless Accusations
Regardless of their political affiliation, most who follow politics in any depth easily dismissed Donald Trump’s series of grave Twitter accusations on March 4...